Posao u Bavarskoj
Tražite li prilike za posao u jednoj od najljepših i ekonomski najjačih regija Njemačke? Bavarska, sa svojim snažnim gospodarstvom i međunarodnim kompanijama, nudi široku ponudu poslova za govornike engleskog jezika i strance. Bez obzira jeste li iskusni u svom području ili tek počinjete, bavarsko tržište rada prepuno je mogućnosti u raznim djelatnostima! U ovom ćemo članku zaroniti u vrhunske industrije, vrste poslova i kako je raditi u Bavarskoj. Proširite svoje znanje o radu u Bavarskoj, posebno ako tražite poslove na engleskom jeziku u Bavarskoj.
Brze činjenice
Top 3 tvrtke za posao u Bavarskoj:
BMW grupa
Siemens AG
Adidas AG
Najtraženije kvalifikacije:
Tehničke vještine u inženjerstvu, IT-u i proizvodnji
Poznavanje njemačkog jezika, iako mnoge međunarodne tvrtke nude uloge engleskog govornog područja
Iskustvo u upravljanju projektima i vodećim ulogama u tehnološkim i proizvodnim industrijama
Prosječna plaća: 46.767 € godišnje (ovisno o djelatnosti i iskustvu)
Minimalna plaća: 12 € po satu
Nema podataka

Staplerfahrer (m/w/d) in einem Lager in Deutschland (Pilsting)
Basis (A2)
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Forklift Operator

Busfahrer (m/w/d) in Festanstellung (Schrobenhausen, Bayern)
Basis (A2)
Bus Driver
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Bus Driver

Industriemechaniker in Deutschland (Regensburg) - Wir stellen ein! (m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Mechanical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Industrial Mechanic

Industriemechaniker in Deutschland (München) - Wir stellen ein! (m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Mechanical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Industrial Mechanic

Elektriker Stellenangebote in Deutschland (München) - Jetzt bewerben (m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Electrical Engineer

Betriebselektriker / -helfer (Landkreis Ansbach, m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Electrical Engineer

Elektriker (m/w/d) Job in Deutschland (Regensburg) - Jetzt bewerben
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Electrical Engineer

KFZ-Meister für Nutzfahrzeuge (m/w/d) in Festanstellung - Schwandorf, Bayern
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Mechanical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Truck Mechanic

Maler in Festanstellung (Burghausen) - Hiring now (m/w/d)
Basis (A2)
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung

Maler in Festanstellung (München) - Hiring now (m/w/d)
Basis (A2)
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung

Maler in Festanstellung (Bayern) - Hiring now (m/w/d)
Basis (A2)
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung

Bauhelfer in Festanstellung (Bayern) - Hiring now (m/w/d)
Basis (A2)
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Construction Worker
Najbolji posao u Bavarskoj (Njemačka) za govornike engleskog jezika
Bavarska nudi širok raspon mogućnosti za stručnjake koji govore engleski u različitim sektorima. Bez obzira imate li iskustva u tehnologiji, menadžmentu ili inženjerstvu, postoje brojne uloge koje zadovoljavaju različite specijalizacije i stručnost. Snažna industrijska baza i međunarodna poduzeća Bavarske čine je vrućom točkom za strane stručnjake. Evo detaljnijeg pregleda nekih od najboljih poslova dostupnih za govornike engleskog u Bavarskoj:
Softverski inženjer: razvija i održava softverska rješenja, često za međunarodne tehnološke tvrtke.
Analitičar podataka: tumači složene podatke kako bi pomogao tvrtkama da donose informirane poslovne odluke.
Voditelj projekta (IT): Nadzire IT projekte, osiguravajući da budu dovršeni na vrijeme i unutar proračuna.
Voditelj marketinga: planira i provodi marketinške strategije za globalne ili lokalne tvrtke.
Građevinski inženjer: Projektira i nadzire infrastrukturne projekte, kao što su ceste, mostovi i javni objekti.
Upravitelj operacija: upravlja dnevnim operacijama i procesima unutar tvrtke radi optimizacije učinkovitosti.
Stručnjak za korisničku podršku: pruža korisničku uslugu za klijente koji govore engleski, često za globalne tvrtke.
Inženjer strojarstva: radi na projektiranju i proizvodnji mehaničkih sustava, posebno u jakim bavarskim automobilskim i inženjerskim sektorima.
Voditelj lanca opskrbe: Nadzire logistiku, osiguravajući nesmetan rad u lancima opskrbe.
Mnoge tvrtke u Bavarskoj posluju na engleskom jeziku ili imaju odjele koji govore engleski, što strancima olakšava integraciju u radnu snagu i profesionalni napredak.
Proširite svoje znanje o poslovima i radu u Bavarskoj
Na hello jobs želimo osobama koje govore engleski i strancima pružiti detaljne informacije i personaliziranu podršku prilikom traženja poslova u Bavarskoj. Povezujemo vas s najboljim poslodavcima u regiji, osiguravajući da pronađete prave prilike koje odgovaraju vašim vještinama i iskustvu. Za razliku od tradicionalnih portala za posao, usredotočeni smo na ponudu visokokvalitetnih popisa poslova i praktičnih savjeta kako bi vaše traženje posla bilo glatko i uspješno.
Jesu li poslovi u Bavarskoj traženi u Njemačkoj?
Da, poslovi u Bavarskoj su vrlo traženi - posebno u sektorima kao što su IT, inženjering i proizvodnja. Bavarska je dom nekih od najvećih multinacionalnih kompanija u Njemačkoj, koje pokreću gospodarski rast i stvaraju brojne mogućnosti zapošljavanja. Snažno gospodarstvo države i usmjerenost na inovacije čine je atraktivnim odredištem za kvalificirane stručnjake. Urbanizacija i razvoj infrastrukture u gradovima poput Münchena i Nürnberga dodatno povećavaju dostupnost radnih mjesta u tehničkim i menadžerskim ulogama.
Koliko zarađuju radnici koji govore engleski u Bavarskoj?
Ako tražite poslove engleskog govornog područja u Bavarskoj, možete očekivati konkurentne plaće u raznim sektorima na temelju vaše razine iskustva. U nastavku donosimo pregled prosječnih godišnjih bruto plaća prema godinama iskustva:
Years of experience | Average salary per year (EUR) |
20+ years | 70.000 - 85.000 |
10-19 years | 60.000 - 70.000 |
5-9 years | 50.000 - 60.000 |
1-4 years | 40.000 - 50.000 |
Less than 1 year | 35.000 - 40.000 |
Source: Stepstone.de
These salary ranges reflect the competitive job market in Bavaria, which is home to many international companies and a thriving economy. High-demand sectors such as IT, engineering, and manufacturing often offer higher salaries, especially as workers gain more experience.
What qualifications are needed for Bavaria?
To work in Bavaria, foreign professionals need both hard and soft skills to succeed. Here’s what is typically required:
Hard skills:
Relevant training or apprenticeship: Vocational training in trades or industry-specific skills.
Certification: Trade-specific certifications (e.g., IT certifications, engineering, electrician).
Technical skills: Proficiency with tools, software, or equipment relevant to your industry.
Language skills: Basic to intermediate German is beneficial, though many roles are English-only.
Soft skills:
Communication: Ability to work effectively in a team and interact with supervisors.
Problem-solving: Critical thinking and quick decision-making skills.
Attention to detail: Ensuring quality and precision in your work.
Specific qualifications:
Recognition of qualifications: Non-EU qualifications may need to be recognized by German authorities.
Work permit/visa: Non-EU citizens will need a valid work permit or visa to work in Germany.
Safety training: Some jobs require certifications in safety training (e.g., OSHA, SCC).
Employment contract / collective agreement specifically for English Speakers and foreigners working in Bavaria
In Bavaria, employment contracts and collective agreements (Tarifverträge) ensure fair working conditions and benefits. For English speakers who might not be familiar with the intricacies of German labor law, it’s important to understand how these contracts play a pivotal role in securing their rights and obligations. Here's a breakdown of the key employment terms and labor laws that specifically affect jobs in Bavaria for English speakers in Germany:
Key employment terms in Bavaria
Working Hours
The standard working week in Bavaria consists of 40 hours, with any overtime strictly regulated. If an employee works more than the regular hours, they are entitled to overtime compensation, which is usually paid at a rate of 25% above the regular hourly wage. Some collective agreements might include different rates, particularly for night work or weekend shifts, offering additional bonuses for employees. However, senior employees and managers are sometimes expected to work overtime without extra pay, which can vary depending on their contracts.
Notice Periods
Notice periods in Bavaria follow a structured approach, starting with a 2-week notice period during the probationary period. After this initial phase, the notice period extends significantly based on the employee's duration of employment. For long-term employees, the notice period can extend up to several months. This ensures that both the employer and employee have sufficient time to adjust to the termination of employment, offering stability in the job market.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is mandatory for all employees in Bavaria, as in the rest of Germany. Contributions are split equally between the employer and employee, ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare without undue financial strain. The statutory health insurance covers a broad range of medical services, including doctor visits, hospital stays, dental care, and even preventive health measures. In cases where employees earn above a certain threshold, they may opt for private health insurance, but the majority remain within the statutory system, which provides robust coverage.
Paid absences and leave entitlements
In Bavaria, employees are entitled to a minimum of 24 to 30 paid vacation days per year. This vacation entitlement is vital for work-life balance, allowing employees to take time off to recharge without worrying about a loss of income. Many collective agreements, particularly in sectors like banking or public services, provide more than the statutory minimum, often extending to 30 or even 35 days. Employers are generally required to approve vacation requests unless there are compelling business reasons not to do so.
Sick leave
Employees who fall ill are entitled to up to six weeks of full salary during their sickness period. After the initial six weeks, if the employee remains unable to work, the statutory health insurance will step in, providing a sickness allowance (Krankengeld) amounting to 70% of the last earned salary, up to a defined cap. This system ensures that employees are not left financially vulnerable due to illness and can focus on recovery without the pressure of returning to work prematurely.
Parental leave
Parents in Bavaria can take up to three years of parental leave for each child, with full job protection during this time. During this period, parents can choose to work part-time (up to 30 hours per week) while still retaining their parental leave benefits. They may also be eligible for parental allowance (Elterngeld), which replaces a percentage of their income during the time they take off to care for their child. This benefit, which can be claimed by either parent, helps ease the financial burden of raising a young family.
Collective bargaining agreements and employment law
Germany’s employment laws are not all enshrined in one labor code but are spread across several pieces of legislation, such as the German Constitution, the Federal Labor Court rulings, and sector-specific collective agreements. Collective bargaining agreements, often negotiated by unions and employers' associations, provide additional protections beyond the statutory minimums. These agreements may cover wages, working hours, overtime, vacation entitlements, and other critical aspects of the employment relationship.
Overtime regulations
Overtime is carefully regulated in Bavaria to ensure that employees are fairly compensated for extra hours worked. The payment for overtime is typically 25% above the regular wage, though some industries, such as logistics or healthcare, might have specific agreements in place for higher overtime rates, particularly during peak seasons or for night shifts.
Is Bavaria a good place to live?
Our top 3 reasons
Bavaria is a dream destination for many expats. Here are the top 3 reasons why:
Strong economy and job market
With multinational companies like BMW, Siemens, and Adidas headquartered in Bavaria, the region offers plenty of job opportunities across various industries, making it a great place for career development.
High quality of life
Bavaria boasts stunning landscapes, from the Alps to picturesque lakes, and offers a rich cultural heritage. It's an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a balance between work and leisure.
Excellent public services
Bavaria's public services are among the best in Germany, with top-notch healthcare, efficient public transport, and high-quality education. This makes the region an excellent place for long-term stability and family life.
Top 5 sights in Bavaria
Bavaria is full of iconic landmarks and attractions. Here are the top 5 sights to explore:
Neuschwanstein Castle: A fairy-tale castle that inspired Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle.
Marienplatz, Munich: A historic square in the heart of Munich, known for its vibrant atmosphere.
Zugspitze: Germany's highest mountain, offering breathtaking views and hiking trails.
Lake Chiemsee: A beautiful alpine lake, perfect for water sports and relaxing boat trips.
Bamberg Old Town: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with stunning medieval architecture.
Top 5 culinary dishes in Bavaria, you must try
Bavarian cuisine is rich and comforting. Here are the top 5 dishes you must try:
Weißwurst: A traditional Bavarian veal sausage served with sweet mustard
Brezn (Pretzel): A soft, salty snack that pairs well with beer or cheese
Schweinshaxe: A crispy roasted pork knuckle, often served with sauerkraut.
Obatzda: A creamy cheese spread, perfect with pretzels
Kaiserschmarrn: A fluffy shredded pancake, typically served with fruit or jam
Feel the Bavarian spirit
Bavaria’s spirit is something you can feel in its festivals, landscapes, and day-to-day life. The world-famous Oktoberfest is the best example of how Bavarians love to celebrate — with good food, great beer, and even better company. But the Bavarian spirit extends beyond the festival season. Whether you're sharing a pint in a cozy Biergarten or skiing in the Alps - you'll experience the perfect balance of work and vibrant living that defines this region.
Kako se prijaviti za posao u Bavarskoj na Hello Jobs
Tražite lakši način povezivanja s tvrtkama koje nude poslove u Bavarskoj koji odgovaraju vašim vještinama i iskustvu? Najlakši način da pronađete posao u Bavarskoj ako govorite engleski je prijavom putem hello jobs. Ovdje se možete povezati s potencijalnim poslodavcima koji traže talent poput vašeg.
Slijedite ove jednostavne korake kako biste se približili pronalasku svog idealnog posla koristeći naš praktični postupak prijave:
Korak 1 - Pošaljite prijavu: Prijava je jednostavna zahvaljujući našoj web stranici prilagođenoj korisniku. Pregledajte dostupne poslove, odaberite onaj koji odgovara vašim vještinama i kliknite gumb "Prijavi" za početak prijave.
Korak 2 - Poziv za upoznavanje: Nakon što primimo vašu prijavu, zakažite poziv za upoznavanje na kojem ćemo razgovarati o vašim ciljevima i preferencijama u karijeri, osiguravajući da je posao u skladu s vašim očekivanjima.
Korak 3 - Proces intervjua: Ako je vaša prijava uspješna, vodit ćemo vas kroz proces intervjua, dajući savjete o pripremi intervjua, kao i informacije o osiguranju i poreznim pitanjima u Njemačkoj.
Korak 4 - Zaposlenje: Nakon uspješnog intervjua, dobit ćete pomoć s preporukama za traženje stana i vezama s našom lokalnom zajednicom, osiguravajući nesmetan prijelaz u vašu novu ulogu.
Prvi kontakt obično se događa u roku od pet dana od podnošenja prijave, a trajanje od prvog kontakta do namještanja posla obično traje između 2 i 6 tjedana.
Naš tim u hello jobs rado će s lakoćom i pouzdanjem upravljati vašom potragom za poslom, pripremajući pozornicu za uspješno putovanje na njemačko tržište rada.
Bavarska nudi mnoštvo prilika za posao i za govornike engleskog i za strance, zahvaljujući svom uspješnom gospodarstvu i snažnoj potražnji u raznim industrijama poput IT-a, inženjeringa i proizvodnje. Uz konkurentne plaće, visoku kvalitetu života i vrhunske međunarodne tvrtke, regija je idealna za profesionalce koji traže rast i stabilnost. Osim rada, bogata kulturna tradicija Bavarske, poput Oktoberfesta i bezbrojnih lokalnih festivala, u kombinaciji sa zadivljujućim krajolicima, čini je fantastičnim mjestom za život. Bilo da želite napredovati u karijeri ili započeti novu avanturu, Bavarska je dinamična i gostoljubiva regija spremna ponuditi i profesionalni uspjeh i živ stil života!
Istražite poslove u Bavarskoj i prijavite se sada na hello jobs .