Electrician Jobs abroad in Germany for English speakers and foreigners
Electrician jobs in Germany are in demand like never before. Are you an electrician from abroad, looking for a job in Germany? Then you benefit from a variety of exciting and varied jobs, often taking work-life balance into account or exciting travel activities for trained electricians, electrical plumbers or electrical engineers with an affinity to tasks in the field of electrical/electronics.
Quick Facts
Top Enterprises: Stadtwerke, Deutsche Bahn, Lufthansa
Top Qualifications in demand for Electricians: Electrical Power Networks, Lightning & power distribution
Average salary: 3.887€/month
Minimum salary: 2.471€/month
Top Electrician jobs in Germany
No Data
Posao električara u Njemačkoj (München) - Otvorena radna mjesta
napredno (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
s podrškom
Electrical Engineer
Posao za električara u Njemačkoj (Regensburg) - Ponude za posao
napredno (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
s podrškom
Electrical Engineer
Posao za električara u Njemačkoj (Ampfing) - Zapošljavamo odmah (m/ž)
napredno (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Electrical Engineer
Posao električara u Njemačkoj (Schwandorf) - Otvorena radna mjesta
napredno (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
s podrškom
Electrical Engineer
Posao električara u Njemačkoj (Ronneburg) - Otvorena radna mjesta
napredno (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
s podrškom
Electrical Engineer
Electrician Job in Germany (Ampfing) - Hiring now (m/f/d)
intermediate (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Electrical Engineer
Electrician in Germany (Ronneburg) - Hiring now (m/f/d)
intermediate (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
with support
Electrical Engineer
Electrician in Germany (Schwandorf) - Hiring now (m/f/d)
intermediate (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
with support
Electrical Engineer
Betriebselektriker / -helfer (Landkreis Ansbach, m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Electrical Engineer
Elektriker (m/w/d) Job in Deutschland (Regensburg) - Jetzt bewerben
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Electrical Engineer
Elektriker Stellenangebote in Deutschland (München) - Jetzt bewerben (m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Electrical Engineer
Elektriker in Ronneburg (Thüringen) - Jetzt bewerben (m/w/d)
Fortgeschritten (B2)
Electrical Engineering
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Required Visa
Mit Unterstützung
Electrical Engineer
Top fields of Electrician jobs in Germany
The fields for electrician jobs and electrician jobs in Germany for foreigners show a wide scale of opportunities. If you have an excellent knowledge in one of the fields you may push your career by learning the others. So, your chance to get one of the top jobs in the electrician branch rises significantly. Here are some top fields of electrician jobs:
Certified electrician
electrical engineer (electronic engineer) (mostly for industry)
industrial electrician
maintenance electrician
appliance installer
commercial electrician
residential electrician
solar panel installer (fast growing field)
Having a basic knowledge of the German language will benefit foreigners in the long run. But it is perfectly fine if you are only relying on English. If your German skills are not on an advanced level, you can first look for warehouse jobs in cities like Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, or Hamburg. Berlin and Munich, in particular, offer the vast majority of English-speaking job vacancies in the warehouse sectors. If you do not have a work permit, you need to apply for a work visa or a Blue Card first. Blue Card is a special residence permit for non-EU nationals. After that, you can start looking for your job through popular sites and portals like JobMRSH, Berfunet, Make It in Germany, etc.
Some of the popular warehouse jobs in Germany for English speakers are given here. Look through this section to gain a better insight into the current German job market for English speakers.
Expand your knowledge about electrician jobs in germany for foreigners
Germany is well-provided with electrician jobs Germany such as electrician jobs in Germany for foreigners. To find the right jobs corresponding to your idea or to obtain an overview about life of electricians in Germany for foreigners, some expert knowledge about jobs and life of electricians in Germany for a convenient electrician life you may obtain at hello-jobs.eu.
Day in a life of an Electrician in Germany as foreigner
Just as the tasks and job opportunities for electrician experts in Germany are diverse, the days as an electrician in Germany for foreigners can differ slightly from the days of a German electrician. Electricians from abroad have to learn the technical terms of electrical engineering as well as the procedure of electrical work in Germany.
The way each electrician organizes his day is very individual. The working days differ depending on the type of company. If the electrician works independently, he is also responsible for the administrative tasks of his small company (correspondence with customers, invoices, tax matters, scheduling appointments, etc.). If, on the other hand, the electrician works as an employee in a larger or smaller company, he only takes care of the manual tasks in direct relation to the job of an electrician.
What is the most important common denominator among all electricians?
Safety is always the top priority in the job of an electrician, electrical engineer or electronic technician. After all, electricity is dangerous. Therefore, good organization and a critical look at the smallest details are of great importance for the customers' own life and life of the customers.
What your day as an electrician could look like
You either work alone or in a team. You work alone either in private households or in smaller companies. For laborious installations such as solar systems, there is usually a team on site because the direct current side on the roof (DC) or the alternating current or three-phase current side (AC) in the basement are operated at the same time. Therefore, for an electrician job in larger companies, it is advisable to demonstrate not only your expert know-how but also your ability to work in a team. If you are more of a quiet person who likes to work alone, you might start a small company with one or two employees by yourself.
The standard working hours for a workman in Germany are between 7am and 5pm. Since the job of an electrician is often characterized by unpredictability, on-site work can also mean that you will be working late until late in the evening. Defective power lines, burnt cables, incorrect materials or even the housewife who wants to get repaired her defective tumbler in the evening can mean that you are working until 8 p.m. or longer. Most electricians, including electricians from abroad, offer an emergency call or on-call service. The electrician then decides himself whether his specialist knowledge is needed that same evening, on a Sunday or on a public holiday, or whether possible repairs can wait until the next day.
If you work at a large construction site as part of a team, the vehicles are loaded early on with materials, tools such as drills, screwdrivers and all the necessary equipment. When you arrive at the site, the site manager, other craftsmen or scaffolding builders are already there. Stations with cable drums and chargers sometimes have to be set up on site. As part of your everyday work as an electrician, you are responsible for always ensuring that your devices are battery-loaded the whole day. Otherwise, valuable working time could get lost. Before you start your work as an electrician on the construction site in the morning, you coordinate your work with other construction site workers. Many tasks follow a specific order. These coordination meetings - as is customary in Germany - often take place over a morning cup of coffee.
Before a system, such as a solar system, is put into operation, the electrician's job in many cases is to travel to the customer together with the energy supplier to take the meter reading.
Your Tools
When you leave the workshop in the morning with your vehicle to drive to the customer, you first check your tools. This is also part of the day in the life of an electrician. After all, without the right tools you cannot carry out repairs, installations or testing work. Essential tools that accompany electricians on many working days are:
Side cutters
Insulating tools
Automatic insulating pliers
Cable cutters
Hand cutting tools
Pressing tools
Self-adjusting pressing tools
Simple pressing tool
Various drilling devices
Screws, dowels
Socket material
This is just a small selection of work material you should have on hand in your everyday work as an electrician. The material also depends on the type of construction site and the customer environment where you carry out your work as an electrician.
Therefore, purchasing work materials is also part of the day as an electrician from abroad who lives in Germany. The most exciting thing about every day in the life of an electrician is the diversity of tasks. In addition to standard work such as installing sockets and switches in apartments or on large construction sites, this is just one task. Your multifaceted tasks as an electrician with expert knowledge also includes:
Alarm systems
Telephone systems
Battery storage
Electrical installations in industry
Office Day
The daily work in relation to electrician jobs in Germany for foreigners includes a wide range of office work. Many small self-employed electricians, therefore, often set up one office day per week on which they devote themselves exclusively to their administrative work. The craftsman, in your case the electrician, works five days a week in his trade and operates on his office work at the weekend.
Are Electrician jobs in demand in germany?
When researching the demand of the electrician job, you will certainly not only notice the job profile of an electrician. According to Statista, electricians can be assigned to the construction industry, while according to the Bertelsmann Foundation's Job Monitor, demand for the electrician profession falls more into the overall category of "construction, architecture, surveying, building technology".
If you trust in the skilled worker index from Statista, the demand on jobs in the construction industry, which also includes the electrician profession, is subject to strong fluctuations. However, the diagram also shows that there was a significant increase in demand for electrician and construction jobs between 2019 and the fourth quarter of 2023. Demand was at the same level in 2012.
However, if you take a closer look at the figures on page 12 of the Bertelsmann Foundation's Job Monitor, the current demand for electrician jobs (as part of the overall sector "Construction, Architecture, Surveying, Building Technology") you find in the lower third, measured against other professional sectors, and can be classified as rather low, although the demand for electrician jobs has increased slightly in recent years.
This increase could also be explained by the sporadic increase in solar system installations and the construction of electric wind turbines. Otherwise, the German economy always is in need of well-qualified electricians. After all, reliable electricity is an essential part of our functioning lives.
What are the expected salaries for Electrician jobs in Germany?
The best-remunerated electrician job in Germany is that of electrical engineer. To achieve this professional degree, several years of academic studies (3.5 years up to five or more) are required. You can achieve the “Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)” in 42 months or the Master and doctorate degree in an extended course of study.
Bachelor: 47.820 €
Master: 53.020 €
Promotion/Doctorate: 64.150 €
The different specializations that an electrician can practice are multifaceted. Since specialist knowledge is required in each of the specializations, you decide on your chosen specialization before you start your training/study. Some examples of salaries that you can later earn as an electrician/electronics technician:
Electrician: 2.339 € - 3.000 € per month
Electrical/electronic service technician: 2.500 € - 4.400 €
Electronic technician: 3.326 € - 3.871 €
Electronic/Electric engineers: 4.000 € - 5.420 € and higher
The salaries and wages for electricians such as German electrician jobs for foreigners are variable depending on many factors. There is a large range of jobs throughout Germany for electricians, so that you can find a convenient opportunity for yourself with a comfortable salary upon your knowledge and position.
According to get-in, your starting salary after graduation and with several years of professional experience is between 47.820 € and 64.150 € and can be increased later depending on the order situation, but can also be less. Training to become an electronics technician (successor to the electrician) also works without an academic degree and takes four years with an IHK (Industrial Chamber of Commerce) qualification. You attend a vocational school for this. This could then be followed by a degree course. Many electricians are now opting for a dual degree course. This means that you study your subject and at the same time work for an employer as an electronics technician or electrician.
While salaries for electricians/electrical engineers are lowest in Brandenburg (2.471 €), you can expect a high salary in Baden-Württemberg (4.352 €).
Average Salary corresponding to experience:
Salary: per month
> 9 years: 3.953 €
7–9 years: 3.614 €
3–6 years: 3.486 €
less than 3 years: 3.385 €
(Average gross salary per month corresponding to 40 weekly hours)
Source: Gehalt.de by stepstone
What qualifications are needed for Electrician jobs in Germany as a foreigner?
As an electrician, electrical engineer or electrical installer, you need a high level of specialist knowledge. There are also numerous other skills which qualify you for your everyday work as an electrician. Below you will find the most important hard skills and soft skills for electricians throughout Germany:
Hard Skills
Electrical engineering (e.g. knowledge of electronic circuits
Error detection and troubleshooting of electronic systems
Drive technology (depending on the job)
Ability to operate test and measuring devices
Soft Skills
Problem-solving skills
communication skills
good knowledge of German and/or English language
ability to work in a team
physical strength and endurance
interpersonal skills
ability to coordinate (working slowly and carefully)
adaptability (flexible working methods depending on the situation or customer)
critical thinking
manual dexterity
computer skills for possible office work
instructor certificates
If you are aiming for a specific field of study, it is important to acquire the relevant specialist knowledge during your studies or during your training as an electrician.
Special Knowledge
Information technology (IT)
Telecommunications technology
Systems technology
Automation technology
Energy technology
Building technology
Mechatronics skills
Security technology
How do you become an Electrician in Germany as a foreigner?
There are three ways to become an electrician in the German region:
studying Bachelor and Master
education/trainings at companies certified by Industrial Chamber of Commerce (IHK)
Appointing hello jobs
A simple electrician apprenticeship is possible with a secondary school diploma. With this knowledge you can take on conventional electrician jobs. If you are looking for higher salaries like an electronical engineer the above-mentioned training qualifications are essential.
Contract of employment / Collective labor agreement for Electricians
Like all employees in Germany electricians in Germany are protected by the labor law contract. The employers have to take into consideration this law into every Contract of Employment. The most important rules that should not fail in your employment contract (minimum content according to § 2 Law of Proof of Substantial Conditions Applicable to the Employment Relationship):
Commencement of Employment
Probation Period (3 or 6 months)
Subject of Employment
Working hours (usual in Germany are 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week)
Salary (The basic salary includes compensation for overtime as far as the overtime does not exceed 10% of the regular work time per month.),
Gratuity (e.g. in case of fixed term employment)
Overtime premium
Sick Leave (Any absence from work, its prolongation and expected duration shall immediately be advised to the company/ employer.). Continued remuneration according to the continued remuneration law protects you in case of sickness. When starting your work in Germany effecting a Health Insurance is obligatory.
Holiday leave (depending on your weekly working time)
Confidentiality, return of documents etc.
Additional Occupation (In case of an additional occupation your employer has to be informed and to approve before commencement.)
Termination of Employment (according statutory period of notice) The period of employment depends on the time you have been working for your employer. 3 months are usual. After five years of employment the termination period amounts to 6 months etc. . The employment automatically ends if the purpose of employment is fulfilled.
Written Form, Preclusive Periods, Waive of Prior Agreements, Severability Clause
Anschrift Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer
The above mentioned terms correspond to the German Law. But also there is a collective labor agreement for electricians in Germany, too, that regulates the salary for electricians in public service.
Source: Mayr Arbeitsrecht
How to apply for an Electrician job at hello jobs?
What if you find an easier way to get in touch with companies who provide convenient jobs for you and your experience as an electrician? The easiest way for you to find a convenient electrician job is to apply at hello jobs At this website of hello jobs you get together with possible prospective employers.
Use the following steps which bring you closer to your favorite job by using this convenient appointment/application procedure:
Step 1 - Send application: Applying is straightforward, with a user-friendly interface on our website. You can select the job that interests you, click the "Apply" button on the job listing to start your application process.
Step 2 - Introduction call: Schedule an introduction call, where we discuss your preferences and ensure that the job aligns with your career goals.
Step 3 - Interview process: Successful candidates receive support for the interview process, including interview preparation and guidance on insurance and tax matters.
Step 4 - Job placement: Once interviews are successful, you receive recommendations for housing search and connections to our community.
The first contact usually occurs within five days of submitting your application, with the duration from initial contact to job placement typically ranging between 2 to 6 weeks.
Our team at hello jobs will be happy to navigate your job search with ease and confidence, setting the stage for a successful journey into the German job market.
As an electrician you find a wide range of miscellaneous jobs in Germany like for beginners, electrician experts, electronic technicians or electronic engineers. Depending on location, size of enterprise or your qualifications the salaries start between approximately 30.000 € for beginners and result in high-level salaries of 65.000 € and more for electronic engineers. If you get in touch with hello jobs you benefit from a comfortable application process starting with your application and a support by experts when a job placement is successful. Your next steps after job placement are to find an apartment at its best near to your job location and starting well-prepared into your new electrician job for foreigners. To learn the facts of the working culture in Germany makes your start easier.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with hello jobs, yet to earn a considerable salary in reputable electrician jobs in one of the awesome large towns or homy provincial towns in our country.